Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 8311 Answer.
dues - (with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly.
duel - A contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor.
dust - Remove the dust from the surface of (something) by wiping or brushing it.
sell - Give or hand over (something) in exchange for money.
stud - Decorate or augment (something) with many studs or similar small objects.
dull - Make or become dull or less intense.
tell - Communicate information, facts, or news to someone in spoken or written words.
used - Having already been used.
lets - Not prevent or forbid; allow.
sled - A vehicle, typically on runners, for conveying goods or passengers over snow or ice, either pushed or pulled, or drawn by horses, dogs, or a motor vehicle.
lust - Very strong sexual desire.
lest - With the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of.
del - An operator used in vector analysis.
dullest - Make or become dull or less intense.
dell - A small valley, usually among trees.
lute - A plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front that is shaped like a halved egg.
duet - A performance by two people, especially singers, instrumentalists, or dancers.
sued - Institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress.
lusted - Have strong sexual desire for someone.
due - (with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly.
duels - Fight a duel or duels.
dells -
suet - The hard white fat on the kidneys and loins of cattle, sheep, and other animals, used to make foods including puddings, pastry, and mincemeat.
sue - Institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress.
duets -
dulls - Make or become dull or less intense.
set - Put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position.
tules - A clubrush that is abundant in marshy areas of California.
lutes - A plucked stringed instrument with a long neck bearing frets and a rounded body with a flat front, rather like a halved egg in shape.
use - Take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result; employ.
led - A light-emitting diode (a semiconductor diode which glows when a voltage is applied)
tells - Communicate information to someone in spoken or written words.
eld - Old age.
tulle - A soft, fine silk, cotton, or nylon material like net, used for making veils and dresses.
let - Not prevent or forbid; allow.