
Wordscapes 808 Vast 8 Ocean answer

Apr 29th 2021

Wordscapes Level 808 Vast 8 Letter Tray

In Wordscapes 808, players are given a couple of letters in their lettery tray. You can find the letter tray at the bottom of the screen. Players are expected to rearrange these letters to create words to fit the crossword puzzle. In Wordscapes Level 808 Vast 8, we are given 6 letters. All these words are related to Ocean answer. By using the clue of Ocean answer, we can find words that match and scrabble and mix the correct words that fit the crossword puzzle.
The letters for Wordscapes Level 808 are [ E ], [ V ], [ N ], [ L ], [ O ], [ P ].

Wordscapes 808 Vast 8 Ocean answer Screenshot Answer

Wordscapes 808 Vast 8  Ocean answer image answer
Use the picture to help you solve Wordscapes Level 808

Wordscapes Level 808 Answers

This puzzle has 15 words which can be solved. We are trying to create words by scrambling any of E,V,N,L,O,P letters. Remember, the words are related to the category Ocean answer.

Bonus Answers

Some levels have bonus word answers which can be found for more points.
This puzzle has 11 bonus words which can be solved.

Wordscape Definitions

Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 808 Answer.
lone - Having no companions; solitary or single.
even - Make or become even.
elope - Run away secretly in order to get married, especially without parental consent.
peon - A Spanish American day laborer or unskilled farm worker.
vole - A small, typically burrowing, mouse-like rodent with a rounded muzzle, found in both Eurasia and North America.
lope - Run or move with a long bounding stride.
eel - A snake-like fish with a slender elongated body and poorly developed fins, proverbial for its slipperiness.
pole - Propel (a boat) by pushing a pole against the bottom of a river, canal, or lake.
noel - Christmas, especially as a refrain in carols and on Christmas cards.
peel - Remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit or vegetable)
love - Feel deep affection for (someone)
open - Move or adjust (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and view.
oven - An enclosed compartment, as in a kitchen range, for cooking and heating food.
novel - A fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism.
pee - Urinate.
one - Referring to a person or thing previously mentioned or easily identified.
veep - A vice president.
pone - Unleavened cornbread in the form of flat oval cakes or loaves, originally as prepared with water by North American Indians and cooked in hot ashes.
peen - Strike with a hammer or the peen of a hammer.
lop - Cut off (a branch, limb, or other protrusion) from the main body of a tree.
eon - An indefinite and very long period of time, often a period exaggerated for humorous or rhetorical effect.
envelop - Wrap up, cover, or surround completely.
eve - The day or period of time immediately before an event or occasion.
pen - Write or compose.
vee - The letter V.

What is Wordscape?

Wordscape is one of the most popular mobile puzzle games. Created by peoplefun, it is the first of its kind and is a cross between a puzzle search and crossword. The board folds words into a jigsaw and your job is to use your brain and put your word skills to a test. We all get stuck sometimes especially on Wordscapes 808 Vast 8 Ocean answer, so we came up with a guide to help you out. Instead of using the English dictionary, we gathered up the answers for you. Scroll down and you may see a screenshot, a youtube link, or the answers in text form to help you get pass this stage. If you haven't tried out Wordscapes, you can download it from the App Store or the Google Play Store.