
Wordscapes 7348 Shell 4 Master answer

May 18th 2021

Wordscapes Level 7348 Shell 4 Letter Tray

In Wordscapes 7348, players are given a couple of letters in their lettery tray. You can find the letter tray at the bottom of the screen. Players are expected to rearrange these letters to create words to fit the crossword puzzle. In Wordscapes Level 7348 Shell 4, we are given 5 letters. All these words are related to Master answer. By using the clue of Master answer, we can find words that match and scrabble and mix the correct words that fit the crossword puzzle.
The letters for Wordscapes Level 7348 are [ C ], [ O ], [ R ], [ N ], [ A ].

Wordscapes 7348 Shell 4 Master answer Screenshot Answer

Wordscapes 7348 Shell 4 Master answer image answer
Use the picture to help you solve Wordscapes Level 7348

Wordscapes Level 7348 Answers

This puzzle has 10 words which can be solved. We are trying to create words by scrambling any of C,O,R,N,A letters. Remember, the words are related to the category Master answer.

Bonus Answers

Some levels have bonus word answers which can be found for more points.
This puzzle has 15 bonus words which can be solved.

Wordscape Definitions

Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 7348 Answer.
corn - A North American cereal plant that yields large grains, or kernels, set in rows on a cob. Its many varieties yield numerous products, highly valued for both human and livestock consumption.
coco - Coconut.
roan - An animal with a roan coat.
cocoa - A chocolate powder made from roasted and ground cacao seeds.
racoon - A greyish-brown American mammal that has a foxlike face with a black mask and a ringed tail.
raccoon - A grayish-brown American mammal that has a foxlike face with a black mask and a ringed tail.
corona - The rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars. The sun's corona is normally visible only during a total solar eclipse, when it is seen as an irregularly shaped pearly glow surrounding the darkened disk of the moon.
acorn - The fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base.
croon - Hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.
can - Be able to.
orca - A large toothed whale with distinctive black-and-white markings and a prominent dorsal fin. It lives in groups that cooperatively hunt fish, seals, and penguins.
coon - short for raccoon
arc - A part of the circumference of a circle or other curve.
coo - (of a pigeon or dove) make a soft murmuring sound.
narc - A federal agent or police officer who enforces the laws regarding illicit sale or use of drugs and narcotics.
car - A four-wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to carry a small number of people.
croc - A crocodile.
ran - Move at a speed faster than a walk, never having both or all the feet on the ground at the same time.
oar - Row; propel with or as with oars.
nor - literary term for neither
orc - (in fantasy literature and games) a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent.
con - Persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.
narco - Narcotics; illegal drugs.
coca - A tropical American shrub that is widely grown for its leaves, which are the source of cocaine.
cor - Expressing surprise, excitement, admiration, or alarm.

What is Wordscape?

Wordscape is one of the most popular mobile puzzle games. Created by peoplefun, it is the first of its kind and is a cross between a puzzle search and crossword. The board folds words into a jigsaw and your job is to use your brain and put your word skills to a test. We all get stuck sometimes especially on Wordscapes 7348 Shell 4 Master answer, so we came up with a guide to help you out. Instead of using the English dictionary, we gathered up the answers for you. Scroll down and you may see a screenshot, a youtube link, or the answers in text form to help you get pass this stage. If you haven't tried out Wordscapes, you can download it from the App Store or the Google Play Store.