Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 7150 Answer.
bean - Hit (someone) on the head.
beat - Strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, typically with an implement such as a club or whip.
beet - A herbaceous plant widely cultivated as a source of food for humans and livestock, and for processing into sugar. Some varieties are grown for their leaves and some for their large nutritious root.
ante - Put up an amount as an ante in poker and similar games.
beta - The second letter of the Greek alphabet (Β, β), transliterated as ‘b.’.
teen - The years of a person's age from 13 to 19.
bane - A cause of great distress or annoyance.
neat - (of a place or thing) arranged in an orderly, tidy way.
bent - A natural talent or inclination.
ant - A small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which often form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for industriousness.
abet - Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense.
eaten - Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it.
ate - past of eat
beaten - Having been defeated.
ban - Officially or legally prohibit.
ten - Equivalent to the product of five and two; one more than nine; 10.A group or unit of ten people or things.Ten years old.Ten o'clock.A size of garment or other merchandise denoted by ten.A ten-dollar bill.A playing card with ten pips.Used to indicate that someone has done something well; the highest mark on a scale of one to ten.
tab - Mark or identify with a projecting piece of material.
eta - The seventh letter of the Greek alphabet (Η, η), transliterated as ‘e’ or ‘ē’.
nab - Catch (someone) doing something wrong.
net - Catch or land (a fish or other animal) with a net.
bat - (of a team or a player in sports such as baseball) take in turns the role of hitting rather than fielding.
tan - (of a person or their skin) become brown or darkened after exposure to the sun.
tea - A hot drink made by infusing the dried crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water.
tee - The letter T, or a shape like that of a capital T.
bee - A honeybee.
eat - Put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it.
bet - Risk something, usually a sum of money, against someone else's on the basis of the outcome of a future event, such as the result of a race or game.