Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 5880 Answer.
lot - A particular group, collection, or set of people or things.
let - Not prevent or forbid; allow.
ore - A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.
rot - (chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose.
core - Remove the tough central part and seeds from (a fruit)
leer - Look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way.
reel - Wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel.
tore - past of tear
creole - A person of mixed European and black descent, especially in the Caribbean.
rote - Mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned.
colt - A young uncastrated male horse, in particular one less than four years old.
elect - Choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
role - An actor's part in a play, movie, etc.
orc - (in fantasy literature and games) a member of an imaginary race of humanlike creatures, characterized as ugly, warlike, and malevolent.
cel - A transparent sheet of celluloid or similar film material, which can be drawn on and used in the production of cartoons.
eel - A snake-like fish with a slender elongated body and poorly developed fins, proverbial for its slipperiness.
clot - Form or cause to form clots.
erect - Construct (a building, wall, or other upright structure)
tole - Painted, enameled, or lacquered tinplate used to make decorative domestic objects.
cote -
cot - A camp bed, particularly a portable, collapsible one.
electro - short for electrotype or electroplate
cor - Expressing surprise, excitement, admiration, or alarm.
lore - A body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.
ere - Before (a specified time)
elector - A person who has the right to vote in an election.
roe - The mass of eggs contained in the ovaries of a female fish or shellfish, typically including the ovaries themselves, especially when ripe and used as food.The ripe testes of a male fish, especially when used as food.
celt - A prehistoric stone or metal implement with a beveled cutting edge, probably used as a tool or weapon.
tree - Force (a hunted animal) to take refuge in a tree.
recto - A right-hand page of an open book, or the front of a loose document.
lector - A reader, especially someone who reads lessons in a church service.
tee - The letter T, or a shape like that of a capital T.
toe - Push, touch, or kick (something) with one's toe.
rec - Recreation.