Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 4512 Answer.
ore - A naturally occurring solid material from which a metal or valuable mineral can be profitably extracted.
old - Having lived for a long time; no longer young.
door - A hinged, sliding, or revolving barrier at the entrance to a building, room, or vehicle, or in the framework of a cupboard.
red - Red color or pigment.
odor - A distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one.
dole - Distribute shares of something.
rod - A thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal.
doer - The person who does something.
lord - Act in a superior and domineering manner toward (someone)
role - An actor's part in a play, movie, etc.
doe - A female deer.
redo - Do (something) again or differently.
lode - A vein of metal ore in the earth.
drooled - Drop saliva uncontrollably from the mouth.
older - Having lived for a long time; no longer young.
rodeo - An exhibition or contest in which cowboys show their skill at riding broncos, roping calves, wrestling steers, etc.
odder - Different to what is usual or expected; strange.
drool - Drop saliva uncontrollably from the mouth.
led - A light-emitting diode (a semiconductor diode which glows when a voltage is applied)
del - An operator used in vector analysis.
eld - Old age.
rode - past of ride
doled - Distribute shares of something.
odd - Different from what is usual or expected; strange.
dolor - A state of great sorrow or distress.
loo - A bathroom or toilet.
redd - Put something in order; tidy.
oleo -
dodo - An extinct flightless bird with a stout body, stumpy wings, a large head, and a heavy hooked bill. It was found on Mauritius until the end of the 17th century.
ode - A lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter.
lorded - Act in a superior and domineering manner towards (someone)
ordo - An ordinal, directory, or book of rubrics; an office or service with its rubrics.
doodle - Scribble absentmindedly.
rood - A crucifix, especially one positioned above the rood screen of a church or on a beam over the entrance to the chancel.
roe - The mass of eggs contained in the ovaries of a female fish or shellfish, typically including the ovaries themselves, especially when ripe and used as food.The ripe testes of a male fish, especially when used as food.
lore - A body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.