Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 4162 Answer.
cite - Quote (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work.
line - Stand or be positioned at intervals along.
lint - Short, fine fibers that separate from the surface of cloth or yarn, especially during processing.
tine - A prong or sharp point, such as that on a fork or antler.
lite - A type of light beer with relatively few calories.
lit - Provided with light or lighting; illuminated.
cel - A transparent sheet of celluloid or similar film material, which can be drawn on and used in the production of cartoons.
tic - A habitual spasmodic contraction of the muscles, most often in the face.
ten - Equivalent to the product of five and two; one more than nine; 10.A group or unit of ten people or things.Ten years old.Ten o'clock.A size of garment or other merchandise denoted by ten.A ten-dollar bill.A playing card with ten pips.Used to indicate that someone has done something well; the highest mark on a scale of one to ten.
let - Not prevent or forbid; allow.
lien - A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged.
ice - Decorate (a cake) with icing.
tile - Cover (something) with tiles.
cent - A monetary unit of the US, Canada, and various other countries, equal to one hundredth of a dollar, euro, or other decimal currency unit.
celt - A prehistoric stone or metal implement with a beveled cutting edge, probably used as a tool or weapon.
lie - (of a person or animal) be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface.
til - Today I learned.
cline - A continuum with an infinite number of gradations from one extreme to the other.
client - A person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company.
net - Catch or land (a fish or other animal) with a net.
nil - Zero, especially as a score in certain games.
inlet - A small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river.
nit - The egg or young form of a louse or other parasitic insect, especially the egg of a head louse attached to a human hair.
tin - Cover with a thin layer of tin.
nice - Pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory.
etic - Relating to or denoting an approach to the study or description of a particular language or culture that is general, nonstructural, and objective in its perspective.
tie - Attach or fasten (someone or something) with string or similar cord.
lice -