Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 3332 Answer.
sue - Institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress.
use - Take, hold, or deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing a purpose or achieving a result; employ.
due - (with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly.
rue - Bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen)
lure - Tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
sure - Certainly (used for emphasis)
rule - Exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people)
err - Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake.
ruler - A person exercising government or dominion.
lured - Tempt (a person or animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.
duel - A contest with deadly weapons arranged between two people in order to settle a point of honor.
sued - Institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress.
rude - Offensively impolite or ill-mannered.
sled - A vehicle, typically on runners, for conveying goods or passengers over snow or ice, either pushed or pulled, or drawn by horses, dogs, or a motor vehicle.
slurred - (of spoken words) pronounced indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.
used - Having already been used.
slur - Speak (words or speech) indistinctly so that the sounds run into one another.
del - An operator used in vector analysis.
dues - (with reference to a point of the compass) exactly; directly.
lures - A Scandinavian S-shaped bronze trumpet dating from the Bronze Age.
reds - Red colour or pigment.
ruled - (of paper) marked with parallel straight lines.
eld - Old age.
surer - Certainly (used for emphasis)
ruse - An action intended to deceive someone; a trick.
errs - Be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake.
rued - Bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) and wish it undone.
ruder - Offensively impolite or bad-mannered.
led - A light-emitting diode (a semiconductor diode which glows when a voltage is applied)
rulers - A person exercising government or dominion.
duels - Fight a duel or duels.
rules - Exercise ultimate power or authority over (an area and its people)
rues - Bitterly regret (something one has done or allowed to happen) and wish it undone.
user - A person who uses or operates something, especially a computer or other machine.
red - Red color or pigment.