Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 2227 Answer.
bid - Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.
bred - (of a person or animal) reared in a specified environment or way.
ire - Anger.
beds - Settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.
rib - Mark with or form into raised bands or ridges.
red - Red color or pigment.
rid - Make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing)
bier - A movable frame on which a coffin or a corpse is placed before burial or cremation or on which it is carried to the grave.
bird - A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, and a beak and (typically) by being able to fly.
bids - Offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction.
bide - Remain or stay somewhere.
rise - Move from a lower position to a higher one; come or go up.
dire - (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent.
dries - Become dry.
rides - Sit on and control the movement of (an animal, typically a horse)
sir - Used as a polite or respectful way of addressing a man, especially one in a position of authority.
bride - A woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event.
bis - Again, as a direction in a musical score indicating that a passage is to be repeated.
die - (of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.
ribs - Mark with or form into ridges.
bides - Remain or stay somewhere.
side - Support or oppose in a conflict, dispute, or debate.
birds - A warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate animal distinguished by the possession of feathers, wings, a beak, and typically by being able to fly.
sib - A brother or sister; a sibling.
dies - (of a person, animal, or plant) stop living.
reds - Red colour or pigment.
dribs -
brides - A woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event.
rids - Make someone or something free of (an unwanted person or thing)
ires -
ired -
debris - Scattered pieces of waste or remains.
ides - (in the ancient Roman calendar) a day falling roughly in the middle of each month (the 15th day of March, May, July, and October, and the 13th of other months) from which other dates were calculated.
rebs - A traditional Jewish title or form of address, corresponding to Sir, for a man who is not a rabbi (used preceding the forename or surname)
reb - A traditional Jewish title or form of address, corresponding to Sir, for a man who is not a rabbi (used preceding the forename or surname)
sired - (of a male animal, especially a stallion) cause the birth of.
bris - The Jewish ceremony of circumcision.
sire - (of a male animal, especially a stallion) cause the birth of.
brie - A kind of soft, mild, creamy cheese with a firm white skin.
bed - Settle down to sleep or rest for the night in an improvised place.
ride - Sit on and control the movement of (an animal, especially a horse), typically as a recreation or sport.