
Wordscapes 11888 Wall 3 16 Master answer

Jun 14th 2021

Wordscapes Level 11888 Wall 3 16 Letter Tray

In Wordscapes 11888, players are given a couple of letters in their lettery tray. You can find the letter tray at the bottom of the screen. Players are expected to rearrange these letters to create words to fit the crossword puzzle. In Wordscapes Level 11888 Wall 3 16, we are given 5 letters. All these words are related to Master answer. By using the clue of Master answer, we can find words that match and scrabble and mix the correct words that fit the crossword puzzle.
The letters for Wordscapes Level 11888 are [ A ], [ I ], [ R ], [ T ], [ O ].

Wordscapes 11888 Wall 3 16 Master answer Screenshot Answer

Wordscapes 11888 Wall 3 16 Master answer image answer
Use the picture to help you solve Wordscapes Level 11888

Wordscapes Level 11888 Answers

This puzzle has 15 words which can be solved. We are trying to create words by scrambling any of A,I,R,T,O letters. Remember, the words are related to the category Master answer.

Bonus Answers

Some levels have bonus word answers which can be found for more points.
This puzzle has 7 bonus words which can be solved.

Wordscape Definitions

Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 11888 Answer.
air - Express (an opinion or grievance) publicly.
taro - A tropical Asian plant of the arum family which has edible starchy corms and edible fleshy leaves, especially a variety with a large central corm grown as a staple in the Pacific.
riot - A violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd.
tart - An open pastry case containing a filling.
tao - (in Chinese philosophy) the absolute principle underlying the universe, combining within itself the principles of yin and yang and signifying the way, or code of behavior, that is in harmony with the natural order. The interpretation of Tao in the Tao-te-Ching developed into the philosophical religion of Taoism.
rot - (chiefly of animal or vegetable matter) decay or cause to decay by the action of bacteria and fungi; decompose.
art - The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
iota - The ninth letter of the Greek alphabet (Ι, ι), transliterated as ‘i.’.
tot - A very young child.
oat - A cereal plant cultivated chiefly in cool climates and widely used for animal feed as well as human consumption.
oar - Row; propel with or as with oars.
ratio - The quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other.
trait - A distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person.
tort - A wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to civil legal liability.
tarot - Playing cards, traditionally a pack of 78 with five suits, used for fortune-telling and (especially in Europe) in certain games. The suits are typically swords, cups, coins (or pentacles), batons (or wands), and a permanent suit of trump.
tar - Cover (something) with tar.
traitor - A person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
torr - A unit of pressure used in measuring partial vacuums, equal to 133.32 pascals.
trio - A set or group of three people or things.
rat - A rodent that resembles a large mouse, typically having a pointed snout and a long, sparsely haired tail. Some kinds have become cosmopolitan and are sometimes responsible for transmitting diseases.
roar - (of a lion or other large wild animal) utter a full, deep, prolonged cry.
trot - (with reference to a horse or other four-legged animal) proceed or cause to proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately.

What is Wordscape?

Wordscape is one of the most popular mobile puzzle games. Created by peoplefun, it is the first of its kind and is a cross between a puzzle search and crossword. The board folds words into a jigsaw and your job is to use your brain and put your word skills to a test. We all get stuck sometimes especially on Wordscapes 11888 Wall 3 16 Master answer, so we came up with a guide to help you out. Instead of using the English dictionary, we gathered up the answers for you. Scroll down and you may see a screenshot, a youtube link, or the answers in text form to help you get pass this stage. If you haven't tried out Wordscapes, you can download it from the App Store or the Google Play Store.