Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 10789 Answer.
ears - The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.
arks - (in the Bible) the ship built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood; Noah's ark.
hear - Perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something)
eras - A long and distinct period of history.
hers - Used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with a female person or animal previously mentioned.
sake - For the purpose of; in the interest of; in order to achieve or preserve.
hare - Run with great speed.
rash - Displaying or proceeding from a lack of careful consideration of the possible consequences of an action.
shark - A long-bodied chiefly marine fish with a cartilaginous skeleton, a prominent dorsal fin, and toothlike scales. Most sharks are predatory, although the largest kinds feed on plankton, and some can grow to a large size.
hark - Listen.
rake - Collect, gather, or move with a rake or similar implement.
shake - (of a structure or area of land) tremble or vibrate.
sear - Burn or scorch the surface of (something) with a sudden, intense heat.
ark - (in the Bible) the ship built by Noah to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood; Noah's ark.
shear - Cut the wool off (a sheep or other animal)
share - Have a portion of (something) with another or others.
hares - Run with great speed.
shaker - A container used for mixing ingredients by shaking.
ear - The organ of hearing and balance in humans and other vertebrates, especially the external part of this.
hakes - A large-headed elongated fish with long jaws and strong teeth. It is a valuable commercial food fish.
arse - Have enough interest or enthusiasm to do something.
ahs -
era - A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.
she - Used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
hake - A large-headed elongated fish with long jaws and strong teeth. It is a valuable commercial food fish.
sea - The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses.
has - Possess, own, or hold.Possess (a quality, characteristic, or feature)Provide or indulge oneself with (something)Be made up of; comprise.Used to indicate a particular relationship.Be able to make use of (something available or at one's disposal)Have gained (a qualification)Possess as an intellectual attainment; know (a language or subject)
ska - A style of fast popular music having a strong offbeat and originating in Jamaica in the 1960s, a forerunner of reggae.
her - Used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
rakes - Draw together with a rake or similar implement.
ask - Say something in order to obtain an answer or some information.
hears - Perceive with the ear the sound made by (someone or something)
harks - Listen.
rah - A cheer of encouragement or approval.
ash - The powdery residue left after the burning of a substance.