Having a tough time believing these words are correct and real words? We provided you with the textbook definition of each Wordscape 10195 Answer.
save - Keep safe or rescue (someone or something) from harm or danger.
vain - Having or showing an excessively high opinion of one's appearance, abilities, or worth.
visa - An endorsement on a passport indicating that the holder is allowed to enter, leave, or stay for a specified period of time in a country.
vanes - A broad blade attached to a rotating axis or wheel which pushes or is pushed by wind or water and forms part of a machine or device such as a windmill, propeller, or turbine.
vane - A broad blade attached to a rotating axis or wheel which pushes or is pushed by wind or water and forms part of a machine or device such as a windmill, propeller, or turbine.
anise - A Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, cultivated for its aromatic seeds which are used in cooking and herbal medicine.
sea - The expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and surrounds its landmasses.
vie - Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
via - Traveling through (a place) en route to a destination.
vines - A climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant related to the grapevine.
vein - Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart.
vies - Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
van - A medium-sized motor vehicle with a boxy shape and high roof, used for transporting goods or passengers.
sine - The trigonometric function that is equal to the ratio of the side opposite a given angle (in a right triangle) to the hypotenuse.
nave - The central part of a church building, intended to accommodate most of the congregation. In traditional Western churches it is rectangular, separated from the chancel by a step or rail, and from adjacent aisles by pillars.
sane - (of a person) of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill.
vans - A medium-sized motor vehicle, typically without side windows in the rear part, for transporting goods.
naive - (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
vise - A metal tool with movable jaws that are used to hold an object firmly in place while work is done on it, typically attached to a workbench.
savin - A bushy Eurasian juniper that typically has horizontally spreading branches.
vase - A decorative container, typically made of glass or china and used as an ornament or for displaying cut flowers.
veins - Any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood towards the heart.
navies -
sin - An immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.
vine - A climbing or trailing woody-stemmed plant of the grape family.